We arrived to Sihanoukville at 6am and the first ferry to Koh Rong was at 8, so we got some breakfast and a coffee. While waiting for the ferry we were talking how calm the sea is and that it will be for sure a nice ride. haha Just how wrong were we…  After a few hundred meters the waves started to get bigger and bigger.. and bigger. I would say up to 3m and the boat was just going up and down hard! There were not enough seats for all (usually 4 people seat outside but since it was not possible..) and at first it was fun but then it was super tiring and I could feel my stomach. The boat ride should take 40mins but it took as twice as that!

Getting off the boat was another fun experience! We walked to the end of the beach where we had our tents waiting for us. The camp had a really nice terrace with a restaurant and a lot of board games. We ate lunch while we waited for the tents to be ready. Mostly everywhere in Asia you have to take off your shoes when entering an indoor place. Here was the same on the terrace. When we were going down to the tents Gregor said don’t forget to take your shoes and I was so tired, I was just like “give it a rest nobody will steal them… don’t be so paranoid..” The tents had a full-size bed in them and the wind was going through them so nicely and I was so tired I felt asleep in a few moments and woke up almost 5 hours later 😀 Right on time for a sunset dip and a dinner.

Read more from Cambodia HERE!